School Community Councils (SCCs) are local advisory bodies that contribute to the learning success and well-being of all students within their school and community, as well as encouraging and facilitating parent and community engagement. 

Joining your SCC is a great way to contribute to the school and community and connect with teachers, administrators and other parents/caregivers. 

SCCs provide the community with a voice in local education, as well as providing parent/caregiver and community members an opportunity to work with their local school on programs that enhance learning and student well being.

If you are interested in joining your SCC, or are looking for more information, contact Raymore principal, Travis Flahr or send an email to: [email protected]
President - Stephanie Orthner
Vice - President - 
Secretary - Tara Hillis
Other Members - Jill Kirk, Kristen Cook, 

Transit Van

Our SCC has been working very hard since the beginning of the 2022 school year to fundraise for a new Transit van.  With the most recent donation from our local Credit Union, we have reached our goal and will be purchasing a van soon.
We will continue to fundraise for van incidentals such as insurance, repairs, etc.